The Flair Awards and The Prom Dress

Jun 20, 2011

The Flair Awards are run annually where I live, and are a fairly prestigious event for the area. Most of the entries are from students studying fashion design in Sydney, along with a few well known designers who live around here, but a bunch of unknown people are often accepted.

Image source:
 Two years ago I came second in a local fashion show for recycled plastic dresses, and through this I was offered to be sponsored to sew a real dress for that year's Flair Awards.

My plastic corset dress = P

Unfortunately, the dress I entered was a bit of a monstrosity, and thus it did not make it onto the runway (and conveniently I never took any photos of it either).
So I gave up for another year, finished school, became a lot better at sewing, and decided to make my own dress for the formal/prom. As soon as I saw this amazing dress that I really really love by Terani, I had my inspiration.

You may or may not have seen my formal dress already on BurdaStyle, but I thought it should really be on my blog by now, and this is the perfect chance to share it.

Read more to see my dress!